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submit to reddit First off, are you in agreement to divorce? Do you have? How have you been married? Are their assets xxx wants fucking (home, investments) or are the investments in the form of compact discs? If you have no, haven't been married years and have the CD's as assets, you can file for yourself at your local court house. There are online sites to help you. If you initiate, you are the Petitioner. If you receive the papers, you are the Respondent. If you've been married longer than 10 years, have, have considerable assets, it's best to hire an attorney. Did both parties work outside the home? How were K's paid for? Are the investments in both names? Are you in a community property state? Were there any prenups? Any postnups? How is your health? What about your partner? So, if you're in the first grouping, it can be done simply, especially if you're in agreement about divorcing. If not, interview local attorneys and find someone you have rapport with. Best to be civil with the ex-to-be, not get into petty arguments regarding non-issue items, and prepare to move on. Be calm and rational and kind to the partner you once loved enough to. -/Paralegal in Family Law

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